Blogging — копия (7)

  • tutorial

posted on 25 Dec 2019 under category demo


You can begin writting your posts under /_posts folder. See Jekyll doc on posts.

Posts are automatically grouped under site’s post/category and post/tag menu. You can define post’s category and tags in the post’s front matter, using category and tags front matter block.

Math Notation

Textalic support math notation via mathjax.

There is two flavor to write math notation:

Latex Math

Enable this by add an usemath: latex front matter in your post. Then you can wrap math notation inside $$. For example:

$$E=mc^2$$ will be rendered as



Enable this by add an usemath: ascii front matter in your post. Then you can wrap math notation inside \`. For example:

\`sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2\`

will be rendered as

`sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2`

Checkout ascii math notation at

You can use both by adding front matter usemath: [latex, ascii]


Sereis are implemented using Jekyll’s collections. So to add new series, following these steps:

  1. Define a new collection in _config.yml, under collections configuration block

         output: true

    Note that to make the change to _config.yml take effects, you need to restart jekyll.

  2. Create the series (aka collection) folder /_demo_series. Note that the folder name begin with _

  3. By adding new post under series folder, you add post under the corresponding series


See Jekyll doc on deployment

That’s it

Happy blogging!